Union Representative

Around half of the approx 90 members of staff at KEY's Head Office are union members.

Since September 2014, my duties, responsibilities and roles have included:

  • Branch Secretary

    • Liase closely with other branch representatives
    • Deal with files, letters and membership data
    • Attend relevant courses to help fulfil the roles (image)
    • Arrange the AGM and regular branch meetings and compose & publish agendas and minutes
    • Organise ballots
    • Actively recruit and organise members
    • Be knowledgable of union rules
    • Seek advice and guidance from other union officers and officials
    • Be honest and genuine when dealing with members, the union and the company
    • Meet with representatives of the wider workforce's "sister" branch
  • Acting Treasurer

    • Keep accurate, up to date financial records
    • Provide quarterly accounts
    • Submit annual audit accounts
    • Co-sign cheques
  • Joint Negotiation Committee

    • Represent members at quarterly meetings with senior management
    • Present members' concerns, suggestions, requests and pay claims
    • Highlight members' grievances and negotiate solutions
    • Receive and pass to members management's opinions, views, offers and decisions
    • Attend ad hoc JNC meetings as and when required
  • Management Committee

    • Upon invitation, present members' views to KEY's management committee.